Canadian Water &
Wastewater Association
THE national voice for Canada’s Municipal Water Sector
CWWA is the professional association for Canada’s municipal water sector and we are THE voice for that sector at the national and international level. We represent the municipal water and wastewater utilities and the private sector partners that work with them to provide safe drinking water and protect our water resources.
CWWA exists to keep our members informed on national issues concerning our sector, facilitating national dialogue and information sharing, and advocating for our sector on the national and international scene. We accomplish our mission by working closely with many other organizations and building working relationships with federal departments and agencies.
CWWA is a non-profit national body incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. A board of directors, with representation from across the country, directs the mission and goals of the association and oversees the small staff at our headquarters in Ottawa, the nation’s capital. While our ‘membership’ is at the corporate level, we represent the many thousands of water professionals that work for these member corporations (municipal utilities, consultants, service & product suppliers). The bulk of our work is conducted by these volunteer members through our technical committees and at our national events.
The e-Bulletin
Our national newsletter is produced monthly and distributed to over 5,000 water professionals. We share our CWWA activity and relevant water news from across the country.
Water Events
See details of CWWA’s national events as well as a calendar/listing? of important water events for our sector.
Window on Ottawa & Water Canada Summit
Ottawa – June 7 – 9, 2023
The Window on Ottawa is like no other event. It is a day focused entirely on federal water policies, programs and legislation. We refer to it as “everything you ever wanted to know about water at the federal level.” This year we are teaming up with Water Canada magazine and the WaterCanada Summit to create a full 3 days of water industry dialogue.
National Water & Wastewater Conference
Niagara Falls – Nov 12 – 15, 2023
This is the flagship event for CWWA and is THE national conference for municipal water leaders. This conference gathers hundreds of utility leaders, consultants, researchers and regulators to share their experience and innovation and to address the most pressing concerns of our industry.
IWA’s World Water Congress & Exhibition
August 11-15, 2024
Canada is hosting the water world ! CWWA and CAWQ are your reps to the International Water Association and we are excited to welcome thousands of water professionals from around the world.
Other Water Events
We know we’re not the only water organization in Canada! We work closely with our provincial and regional associations and many national and international organizations.
Job Board
CWWA is pleased to provide national posting of employment opportunities in the water sector.
Advertise With Us
Advertise in CWWA’s print and electronic publications including our E-Bulletin, Water Source Magazine, Annual Report and website. am.
Water Source Magazine
CWWA’s semi-annual print publication sharing the innovative work of our members. This glossy magazine is also available in electronic format.
Members Resources
Coming Soon!
This will be a MEMBERS ONLY area providing access to all the most relevant reports and links to verified information to support us in our shared mission to provide safe drinking water and protect our resources.
Committees will be able to host discussions of the key topics in their specialty stream.
Knowledge Series: Actions for Climate Resiliency
CWWA’s Climate Change Committee will be publishing a new Knowledge Series to help utilities understand the Why, How, Where, and What’s Next. The first installment is now available. Read now
NWWC 2025 - Call for Presenters now open
Do you have an experience, research or case study to share? Submit a proposal to present at the NWWC2025 in Victoria BC. Learn more
2024 AGM Minutes
Water Haller

What a Week in Winnipeg!
f you weren’t in Winnipeg for the National Water & Wastewater Conference, then you missed a great one. Canada’s water leaders met in the middle of Canada, November 3rd to 6th to share knowledge and be part of the best networking experience for our industry. We...
CWWA Window on Ottawa
in partnership with the
Water Canada Summit
June 7 – 9, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario
Niagara Falls, Ontario
November 12 – 15, 2023
Become A Member
Fill Out The Form Below To Learn More About Our Memberships

CWWA is a non-profit national body representing the common interests of Canada’s public sector municipal water and wastewater services and their private sector suppliers and partners.
Head Office
CWWA, Unit 11, 1010 Polytek Street, Ottawa, ON K1J 9H9 Canada
(613) 747-0524