NWWC Webinar Series


Toward a Sustainable Water Utility

About this webinar series

Water systems are large complex entities involving natural and man made elements. From the watershed, to the reservoir, through the plant, to customer taps, into the collection system, through treatment and back into the environment, there are an incredible number of elements to balance. This webinar series will explore how we move towards sustainable water systems, by spotlighting the different elements of the water system lead by each of our technical committees. More importantly it will explore WHAT actually makes a utility sustainable – full cost accounting and recovery? Succession planning? Source water protection and stewardship? Innovation? Energy neutrality?

This webinar series will explore these individual aspects followed by a final panel discussion that will tie the disparate aspects together, and explore how we balance conflicting priorities to create a sustainable utility.

You can either register for individual webinars or for the entire series.

Closing Panel : Making Connections - March 22

New Date

Thank you for the generous support of our sponsors


secure your spot at the event

Online registration is now open, providing you a quick and easy way to ensure your place at our webinar series.

Simply visit the registration portal and complete the required fields. After you register you will recieve an additional confirmation from BigMarker our webinar platform with information on how to join and links to add the event to your calendar.  CWWA members will need to log into to the Conference registration portal to access member pricing – please confirm your membership status before registering – we will not be able to adjust payments after they are received.

Cancellation Policy: We will not be offering refunds for the event, but are happy to offer substitutions if you are unable to attend. If you register for the series, subsitutions must be for the entire series (not individual webinars).

Bulk discount: we are happy to extend a discount to participants. If you register 4 people, we are happy to extend a fifth registration free of charge. Please use the discount code:NWWC2020_free to take advantage.


NWWC Webinar Series

CWWA Members

Entire Series


Individual webinars



Entire Series


Individual webinars


Thank you to our sponsors

Gain Exposure and support Cwwa

CWWA is a non-profit national body representing the common interests of Canada’s public sector municipal water and wastewater services and their private sector suppliers and partners.

Head Office
CWWA, Unit 11, 1010 Polytek Street, Ottawa, ON K1J 9H9 Canada

(613) 747-0524