Technical Resources
Press Releases
Media & Clippings
Technical Resources
COVID-19 and the re-opening of buildings
CWWA is pleased to release these two new guidance documents related to COVID-19 and the re-opening of buildings. We trust you will find them very...
Covid – 19 Links and Resources
This page contains links to government, partner and scientific resources to help water and wastewater utilities manage covid-19.
COVID-19 Media Stories and Links
Access links to media articles about covid-19. Particularly stories that relate to water and wastewater operations.
CWWA Water Sector Pandemic Action Plan
CWWA along with our Security and Emergency Management Committee have developed a new Water Sector Pandemic Action Plan. We’d particularly like to...
Press Releases
Clean Tap Water – one less reason to have to go to the store
If you are on a municipal water system in Canada, clean, safe, drinking water is delivered to your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As we all do...
COVID-19 and Sewers – To avoid a Sewage Back-up don’t treat your toilet like trash can
Canadian municipalities urge their residents to think about what they flush (Ottawa, March 20, 2020) There is never a good time for a toilet to...
Une eau courante potable, une raison de moins d’avoir à se rendre au magasin
Si vous êtes branché à un réseau municipal de distribution d’eau potable au Canada, vous êtes approvisionné en eau potable de qualité chez vous 24...
La COVID-19 et les égouts — Pour éviter le refoulement d’égout, ne prenez pas vos toilettes pour une poubelle
Les municipalités canadiennes exhortent leurs résidents à réfléchir à ce qu’ils jettent dans les toilettes (Ottawa, 20 mars 2020) Il n’y a pas de...
CWWA Letter to Prime Minister: COVID-19 Stimulus Funding
As the federal government prepares to announce stimulus infrastructure programs to promote recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, CWWA and our Climate Change Committee has provided timely input to highlight opportunities for our sector. The federal government has...
National Water and Wastewater Conference – Event Cancelled
It is with regret that we announce that the National Water & Wastewater Conference set for Niagara Falls, November 8-11 has been cancelled. This decision seems inevitable as we watch this COVID-19 situation unfold each day. As we prepare for second and third...
Conférence nationale sur l’eau et les eaux usées 2020 Annulée
C'est avec regret que nous annonçons que la conférence nationale sur l'eau et les eaux usées prévue du 8 au 11 novembre à Niagara Falls, a été annulée. Cette décision semble inévitable alors que nous regardons chaque jour le déroulement de la situation du COVID-19....
COVID-19 and Federal Regulatory Requirements
With the ongoing COVID-19 situation the Government of Canada is adjusting reporting deadlines under some regulatory requirements to accommodate reduced staff and diverted resources. Environment Canada recently shared that they are changing the National Pollutant...
To The e-Bulletin

CWWA is a non-profit national body representing the common interests of Canada’s public sector municipal water and wastewater services and their private sector suppliers and partners.
Head Office
CWWA, Unit 11, 1010 Polytek Street, Ottawa, ON K1J 9H9 Canada
(613) 747-0524