International Flushabibility Statement
updated contributor list. We're still looking for support - readCWWA Speaking Notes, Fact Sheet and Resources

What a Week in Winnipeg!
f you weren’t in Winnipeg for the National Water & Wastewater Conference, then you missed a great one. Canada’s water leaders met in the middle of Canada, November 3rd to 6th to share knowledge and be part of the best networking experience for our industry. We...

Never let a good disaster go to waste!
We can all learn a lot from a disaster, or from any system failure…and it doesn’t have to happen to my town for me to learn valuable lessons. Anyone else’s headache can be an example of what ‘could’ happen to us – allowing us to prevent it, prepare for it, or respond...

The whole world came…and then it was
The IWA’s World Water Congress & Exhibition 2024 is now officially in the history books. CWWA, and our partners at the Canadian Association on Water Quality (CAWQ), were so proud to host this premier global event right here in Canada. By all accounts, it was a...

Advocating for Sustainable Federal Funding
s the federal government is developing new, long term funding programs for Canadian infrastructure, they have turned to the CWWA to provide input from the perspective of Canada’s water, wastewater and stormwater utilities. CWWA representatives have met directly with...

Strong Utility Focus at IWA’s World Water Congress
There is a misconception out there that the IWA is “all academic”. This ‘may’ have been ‘mostly’ true many years ago, but over my 12 year involvement, I have seen the focus on utilities and utility management grow significantly. The theme of the last World Water...

Taking Back One of My Rants
Every now and again, I use this column to vent some frustrations. Those rants are usually the most popular, bringing the most reaction from readers. Several months back I expressed my disappointment with the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) – suggesting their 5-year...

Maintaining Public Trust in Tap Water
This is my overriding concern in all of the advocacy work we do. How do we address all the challenges, in an open and transparent way, while maintaining public trust in their local tap water? We exist as a professional association to share knowledge and to tackle...

The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!
But so are the Danes and the Japanese and Australians and more! It’s actually 2024, which means IWA’s World Water Congress & Exhibition is THIS year! Canada will host a world of water experts in Toronto, August 11-15. We began the process to win the hosting...

Federal Watch
Lots of hype and political discussion about the big cabinet shuffle, but it didn’t really change much for our water sector. Minister Guilbeault stayed in Environment and Climate Change, Minister Hajdu stayed with Indigenous Services and Minister Leblanc in Public...

It’s time for a new Federal Infrastructure Program
I know…it’s seems no matter how much money the federal government allots for infrastructure programs, it’s not enough. But municipal infrastructure has a limited lifespan, is expensive to replace, and Canada’s tax structure really doesn’t support us to handle it all...
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