International Flushabibility Statement

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Taking Back One of My Rants

Taking Back One of My Rants

Every now and again, I use this column to vent some frustrations. Those rants are usually the most popular, bringing the most reaction from readers.  Several months back I expressed my disappointment with the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) – suggesting their 5-year...

Federal Watch

Federal Watch

Lots of hype and political discussion about the big cabinet shuffle, but it didn’t really change much for our water sector.  Minister Guilbeault stayed in Environment and Climate Change, Minister Hajdu stayed with Indigenous Services and Minister Leblanc in Public...

The Window that Was

The Window that Was

As we look back at the Window on Ottawa event, just two weeks ago, I was going to title this piece “Rear View Window”, but that is the complete opposite of the Window on Ottawa concept. The “Window” is always a reference to the front windshield – looking forward to...