International Flushabibility Statement
updated contributor list. We're still looking for support - readCWWA Speaking Notes, Fact Sheet and Resources

National Conference a Great Success!
Each year, the quality of our conference program just seems to get better and better. I was thoroughly amazed by the calibre of our speakers and the depth of discussion. We managed a very respectable turnout as well and we have heard only positive comments from the...

Innovation is found in our people!
I was recently asked to submit a response to WEF’s WE&T magazine asking me about, “how people are tackling water issues around the globe locally, and …innovative initiatives is your region undertaking to handle those issues?” Our membership is so varied, and our...

We’re Having a Great National Conference!
IF you are one of the few Canadian water professionals that did NOT register for the National Water & Wastewater Conference, you’ve been missing a really great virtual series. We’ll share more next month in this e-Bulletin, but it’s not too late to sign up for...

New ministers, but no mandate letters yet
As far as cabinet shuffles go, this was certainly a major shuffle. Prime Minister Trudeau announced his new cabinet on October 26th and all were sworn in by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon. Of the 38 cabinet ministers named, only 7 were...

So apparently there was an election…
So the results are in and…. well…nothing much will change. That’s ok. You can debate if there was a ‘need’ for an election, but you can’t be upset that voters hadn’t changed their mind much in 2 years. We will return to a Liberal minority government. I am quite ok...

Water Haller: All’s Quiet on the Election Front
It’s election time, so everything is on hold. Most federal projects have paused and it’s hard to get anyone to talk to you while the future is uncertain. While we don’t actively back any parties, as the CWWA we are certainly concerned with all national issues...

Another great Window on Ottawa!
If you missed it, you missed a great one! The Window on Ottawa is our signature event, like no other in our industry, as it brings together federal project leaders and policy makers with our membership of water leaders. Through this annual forum, we can engage the...

The busiest few months for advocacy in 9 years!
That’s right, I’ve been here 9 years already! I still feel like a new guy with lots of ideas on how we can always continue to improve. But I swear, these past few months have been the busiest that I can remember as far as advocacy work. Maybe because I’m locked at...

Unlike Vegas, what happens here SHOULDN’T stay here!
I’m talking about the Window on Ottawa of course. This is one of the good things coming out of this pandemic. I know we all want to get together for a REAL conference, but we had already planned to take this event virtual so we could reach a wider audience. This...

Meeting new water professionals while losing their mentor
The Water Haller – March 2021 I have had a truly inspiring month in which I joined a number of online water events for young professionals across Canada. I spoke at a Career Day webinar for students of all things water-related at Queens University. Then I did the...
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