NWWC 2023 Presentation Sharing

We are happy to offer pdf copies of the presentations delivered at the NWWC 2023 as an exclusive benefit of our delegates. If presentations are omitted it is at the request of the speaker.
A3: Utility Management – Asset Management

Leading People and Managing Assets for a Sustainable Future
James Courchaine, Utility Leadership and Management Solutions

How to Avoid Green Elephants: Asset Management and Good Governance as a Driver for Resilient Green Infrastructure
Glen Edwards, GHD

Increasing Efficiency by Using Technology: Automation & LIMS
Christine Paszko, Accelerated Technologies Inc.

A4: Climate Change

Flooding Mitigation, from Provincial Review to Municipal Action
Ilmar Simanovskis, Civica Infrastructure

Groundwater Supplies are Also Vulnerable to Climate Change-Exacerbated Landscape Disturbance:  Evidence & Strategies for Ensuring Treatment Resilience
Monica Emelko, University of Waterloo

Supporting municipalities build flood resilience: The Municipal How-to Guide for CSA Community Water Standards
Lynn Barber, Canadian Standards Association

A5: Changing Behaviours

From Inform to Collaborate: Changing utility attitudes to enhance engagement on capital projects
Sarah Anderson, City of Kitchener

Flushables and FOG
Barry Orr, City of London

Engaging in Residential Water Recycling and ALL the unexpected Benefits
James Peters, Showerpot

B1: Biosolids Management - Sludge Pre-Treatment
B2: Drinking Water Management

Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of an Aging Water Treatment Plant
Ayman Khedr and Nicole McLellan, Stantec

Responding to the Iqaluit Water Crisis
Ian Moran, WSP Canada Inc.

Large-Scale UV-LED Reactor for Water Treatment
Fariborz Taghipour, The University of British Columbia

B3: Uility Management – Underground Infrastructure Management
B5: What Ted Lasso Taught Us About Communication with Grant Ainsley
C1: Wastewater Management

PFAS in Canadian Sludge Treatment and Biosolids
Wayne Parker and Ahn Pham, University of Waterloo

Microplastics in wastewater and biosolids – what is the big deal?
Banu Ormeci, Carleton University

Reforming Canada’s Wastewater Regulatory Space to take into account PFAS Discharges from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Patricia Hania, Toronto Metropolitan University

C4: Water Efficiency
C5: Collective strategies for water research; from planning to action

Opening and Background on WRF
Peter Grevatt, WRF

Insights for research success within WRF projects case from EWEB, Oregon, USA
Michael McKie, C3 Water and University of Toronto

Research Communities, Partnerships in Canada and the US and effective collaboration with utility partners
Monica Emelko, University of Waterloo and Adriano Mena, Regional Municipality of York

Panel Discussion: Cases for regional global insights and impact from research partnerships

  • Adriano Mena, York Region
  • Antoine Rempp, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
  • Aziz Ahmed, Ontario Ministry Environment, Conservation and Parks

Closing Impacts on the global community of PFAS as a concern in US regulatory driven research
Peter Grevatt, WRF

D1: Wastewater Management – Digital Solutions
D2: Utility Security

Cyber Security in your OT Environment – how to ensure your facilities are protected
Sandeep Lota, Nozomi Networks

Protect Your Utility – What You Can Do to Prevent and Mitigate Hostile Events
Charles Egli and Alec Davison, WaterISAC

SCADA/OT Cyber Security Anomaly Detection in Water/Wastewater: Using Case Studies to Select the Correct Solution
Mark Fabro, Lofty Perch Inc.

D3: Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water: Shifting the Paradigm to Focus on Treatment Needs
Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water – Part I Regulatory Framework
Aziz Ahmed, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water – Part II Scientific Principles and the Process Followed
Monica Emelko, University of Waterloo

Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water – Part III Guidance Document Summary
Dennis Mutti, C3 Water Inc.

D4: Water Efficiency

Extended use of rainwater harvesting systems in northern climate: a challenge?
Niloufar Naserisafavi and Emilie Bédard, Polytechnique Montréal

Hit & Miss: Lessons Learned From 25 Years in Water Conservation
Neal Klassen, City of Vancouver

Why water efficiency matters in water-rich communities
Ron Burke, Alliance for Water Efficiency

D5: Innovation Partnerships (1)

Tapping into Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in Canadian Water Innovation
Heather Crochetiere, Foresight CAC

Introduction and Objectives
Angela Murphy, Toronto Metropolitan University and Rahim Kanjii, Ontario Water Consortium

Catalyst of Change: Ontario Water Consortium’s Legacy in Water Innovation
Rahim Kanjii, Ontario Water Consortium

Part 1: Academia and Municipalities

  • Carlos Diaz, Lambton College
  • Elsayed Elbeshishy, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Martha Dagner, Western University
E1: Wastewater Surveillance – what it can tell us
E2: Utility Security

W/WW Scada Specific Cyber Security Program
Michael O’Meara and Saurabh Mahajan, Regional Municipality of York

What happens when one government agency can see another government agency’s data?
Joshua Rottenberg, Computrol Systems

An AI algorithm to detect and locate waterborne chemical attacks
Ehsan Roshani, National Research Council

E3: Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water: Shifting the Paradigm to Focus on Treatment Needs

Ontario’s New Regulatory Guidance for Treatment of Subsurface Water Supplies Significantly Reduces Operational Burden for System Owners: A Region of Waterloo Case Study
Emma Blackburn, University of Waterloo

Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water – Two Case Studies Utilizing the Draft Guidance for Determination of Minimum Microbial Treatment Required for Residential Drinking Water Systems
Scott Cousins, City of Guelph

Roundtable Discussion

E5: Innovation Partnerships (2)

Role of Post Secondary Institution Water Institutes & Centers in Water Innovation
Angela Murphy, Toronto Metropolitan University

Part 2 : Enterprise and Municipalities

Part 3: Water Nexus: Merging Visions of Academia, SMEs, and Municipalities – Panel Discussion

F1: Wastewater – Managing a Changing Regulatory Environment
F2: Drinking Water Management – Using New Technology to Solve Old Problems

Innovative Online Water Quality Monitoring Equipment at Union Area Water Supply
Brian Jobb, Aquatic Life Ltd. / Brian Jobb Training & Consulting

Unlocking the Potential of AI and Machine Learning for Canada’s Water Sector
Chris Gerrits, C.F. Crozier & Associates Inc.

Forecasting Cyanobacteria Blooms Using Machine Learning Models on Phycocyanin Fluorescence
Mennatallah Alnahas, University of Toronto

F3: Utility Management – Planning

Securing Water for Sunderland – Searching for Liquid Gold
Rika Law, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited

Asset Management Visualization
George Lykoudis and Terry Martins, Direct IT

Resilience – Ready or Not It’s Vital to Operations
Brian  Brost, City of St Albert

F4: Energy Efficiency

Water Heat Pump and Its Application in Water Treatment Plants and Reservoirs
Brent Fordham, Senior Project Manager, HVAC Engineer, CIMA+

Bobby Quinlan, ENEL North America

Survey of Water Energy Intensity and Residential Ratepayer Costs
Arlene Lanciani and Raeesa Hirji,  Guidehouse

F5: Utility Management – Stakeholder Engagement

Effective Stakeholder Engagement during the Design and Construction Phases of a Major WWTP Upgrade Project
Jeremy Enarson, City of Camrose

Including All Voices and Optimizing Your Utility
Emily Meek, American Water Works Association, Jon Simaitis, Regional Municipality of Halton and Lindsay Chapin, City of Brantford

G1: Wastewater Management – Lagoon Systems

How to get more out of a lagoon-based treatment system?
Susan Shi, J.L. Richards & Associates Limited

Why Small Wastewater Systems Aren’t Number 2?
José Bicudo and Robyn Casement, Associated Engineering

Hybrid Treatment Technologies for Upgrading a Lagoon-Based WWTP
Jeremy Enarson, City of Camrose

G2: Standards and Product Verification

The Cartridge Filter Challenge
Sangeeta Chopra Chartier, Ontario Clean Water Agency, Ghassan Ghali, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, John Zhang, Ontario Clean Water Agency 

Reading the Room: Verification and Certification of Water Quality Test Devices for Drinking Water
Kathryn Foster, NSF International

Achievements of ISO TC 224 Municipal Water Services and TC 282 Water Reuse
Thomas Ellison, Cheffell Associates and Roland Richard (retired)

G3: Stormwater Management

Implementing CLI-ECA for Stormwater Infrastructure
Gillian Harris, Town of Lincoln and Jason Henry, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre

How public and private properties can work together to optimize and improve stormwater management through communal design
Phil James, Credit Valley Conservation Authority

Inspecting, Inventorying and Conducting Condition Assessments of Green Infrastructure on Regional Properties: A goal of Process Improvement
Alexandra Veglio, Credit Valley Conservation and Chris Despins, Region of Peel

G4: Wastewater Management
G5: Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement and Consultation in the Water and Wastewater Industry
Emma Cabrera-Aragon, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited

Municipal water education for positive behaviour change
Vanessa Higgins, Strathcona County

Water and wastewater construction – Improving the resident experience
Katya Seckar and Adam Morin, Region of Peel

H2: Drinking Water Management
H3: Utility Management

Are Our Water Systems at Risk? How far have we come?
Marian Hands, BC Water & Waste Association

Developing a Water System Monitoring Program: Visioning and Assessing Stakeholder Needs
Arun Jain and Jeff Buchyns, Region of Halton and Dennis Mutti and Michael McKie, C3 Water

I2: Drinking Water Management
I3: Utility Management – all things meters
I4: Small Systems/First Nations

Decolonizing Water Governance
Melanie Debassige, Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation

Building Capacity in Small Systems – The BC Small Water Systems Community Network
Marian Hands, BCWWA

First Nations Lead Small Water Systems Change
Ted Molyneux, Indigenous Affairs Canada

I5: Utility Management – Adoption of Natural Infrastructure

Natural Infrastructure Survey Report
Carl Bodimeade, Hatch

  • Panel Discussion
    Gillian Harris, Township of Lincoln
  • Mark Green, City of St. Catherines
  • Tara Gudgeon, City of Niagara Falls

Open Discussion